Welcome. If this is your first interaction with me then I'm so excited to share who I am, what I do and how I can help you get strong with me.
I'm a qualified personal trainer (Cert III and IV) and certified powerlifting coach. I'm also a mum to an energetic toddler and know from first hand experience, the juggles of motherhood and training. 'm the founder and owner of The Strength Circle and have competed internationally as a natural Australian powerlifter. I've been competing in powerlifting since 2015 and have had the opportunity to represent Australia three times in Canada, the US and New Zealand where I became the Oceania Champion in 2016 (click here to see the video). Travelling for these competitions has been amazing and I'm so grateful to have experienced them. I've also competed in many local and national competitions which have taught me so much about myself and the sport of powerlifting. I draw upon and learn from these experiences not only for my own development as a lifter, but also as a coach.
Whether training for a competition or not, the reason I do is simple. I'm training to be the best version of me, and now as a mother, so I can show up as the best mum to my little girl. I want to explain what I mean by that, how powerlifting (and training in general) has helped me in every aspect of life, and how I think it can help you too.
After competing in a couple of bodybuilding shows around 2013 and stacking on a bunch of body fat afterwards, I was left feeling unhappy with my body, unmotivated and uninterested in training. After months of self sabotage I decided enough was enough. I was going to do something positive for myself. I decided that I wasn't going to step on the scales for a while or scrutinise myself in the mirror anymore - I was just going to try to get stronger. Switching my mindset from "how does this training make me look" to "how does this training make me feel" has been the best thing I've done and I know it will have a positive impact on your life too.
I believe that as a female, there is no better feeling than to feel strong as it carries through to all other aspects of life. It's about so much more than going to the gym. It's about confidence. It's about doing things you never thought you'd be able to do, and surprising yourself with what your body is capable of. It's empowering. Instead of thinking "I can't do that" or even "I wonder if I can do that" you start to think "I could do that, how do I get there?" Let me show you how!
My mission is to share my passion with women of all ages so that they too can feel powerful. I especially love training new mums or mums to be and helping them appreciate just how amazing their bodies are. You don't have to be strong to start, you just have to start, to be strong.